what are the do's and don'ts of interview

 Do's and Don’ts of interview

what are the do's and don'ts of interview

Let’s go over some quick things you need to make sure that you keep in mind while interview.

Be grateful – 

The interviewer is using their time to speak with you. Make sure you tell them that you appreciate it. Start the interview with a Greeting and end the interview with a “Thank you.” Follow up after the interview with a “Thank you.”

Be truthful –

All of your responses should be truthful. It is the right thing, plus the interviewer will fact-check everything you say. If you lie, and they catch you, you can kiss your chances of working with them goodbye. 

Frame your answers –

You are going to learn how to frame your answers throughout this book so that you don’t end up rambling or being vague. 

Provide examples – 

Facts are great, but if you can provide stories of when you have faced certain situations, that is even better. People will remember these stories. Make sure they are brief, though, but also with enough detail so the interviewer can picture it. 

Be concise – 

You want to make sure your answers are long enough to provide enough information but short enough so that you don’t control the conversation. 

Be specific – 

Employers are listening to hear specifics about the things you have accomplished. 

Be passionate –

Employers are looking for people who will actually like doing their job. Show them that you like the work you are applying to do. 

Be positive – 

You need to focus on the positive parts of your experiences. Employers are looking for those who can remain positive in all circumstances. 

Don’t be wordy – 

Don’t start droning on and on. As you practice, figure out how you can be brief but thorough in your answers. 

Don’t be negative – 

No matter how rough you have had it, or how mean your bosses have been, don’t talk about these things in your interview. 

Don’t be personal – 

Don’t bring up politics, religion, hobbies, friends, family, or anything unrelated to the job. Plus, it is not proper for them to ask you questions about family and age. 

Don’t be modest – 

You shouldn’t be humble while in an interview. You want them to be impressed by what you can do and have done. Share awards you have received that have to do with the job. They want to hear about your accomplishments. 

Some important Tips for Interview

  • Keep your answers limited to about two minutes or less. You want them to be long enough to grab the attention of the interviewer and not so long as to control the conversation. 
  • Keep your passion related to the position you are applying for. 
  • Briefly talk about your work experience. You should be able to Describe this in four to eight sentences. After it, you will be able to go into more detail. 
  • Talk about promotions. They like to hear when you have earned levels of increasing responsibility. 
  • Do make sure that your interviewer knows you are interested in the role. Tell them explicitly what it is that you want from the job and why their position is going to provide you with that. 
  • Make sure you are crystal clear on your career goals. If you aren’t sure what your career goals are, figure them out before you get started with your interview. 
  • Take a look back at the jobs you have had and take notes of what you have liked about each of them. Then let the interviewer know how their position is going to help you build on these experiences. 
  • Create a 30-60-90-day plan before you go into the interview. Make sure you have a copy of your plan with you in case you are given a chance to share it. This will show that you are excited and proactive about your job. 
  • Make sure you have realistic goals. Interviewers want candidates who want to grow in their careers, but they want somebody who is also realistic about the time it takes to do this. Show them that you are interested in and progressing at a reasonable pace. 
  • Talk about the things that you do outside of work that helps to improve your skills. Interviewers love people who love their job so much that they spend their spare time improving their abilities. 
  • If you don’t get asked a question that would allow you to share your 30-60-90-day plan, then don’t push it on them. You don’t want to come off pushy. The interviewer gets to control the conversation, not you. 

Keep in mind that interviewers love to speak with candidates who show that they are passionate about the work they have to offer. You have to make sure that your answers reflect this passion. This can be shown through your research and the fact that you believe the company and position is a good fit for you. You should now be ready to ace your interview

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